Patient Warmer

Patient Warmer Bair hugger 3M
SFDA ClassificationClass ii
Purpose of UseIt is used to prevent hypothermia and to regulate and maintain the patient at a normal core body temperature of 37° C before, during and after surgery.
Work Location & End-UserWork location: In the intensive care unit, operating room, and other departments if necessary.
- End User: Nurses and Doctors
Parts & AccessoriesThe patient warmer system consists of two main parts:
1. Reusable heating unit, consisting of:
• Alphanumeric display
• control Board
• power cord
2. Single use blankets (disposable).
OperationHeating units filter the air and then push the warm air through special blankets that cover the patient and can be disposed of after use.
Forced Air Heating: Air is sucked in from the surroundings and heated using electric coils. The blower circulates warm air through a blanket that warms the patient through convection. The blankets are designed to use pressure points on a patient's body to prevent heat from reaching areas at risk of pressure sores or burns. Also. It includes drainage holes where fluid passes through the surface of the blanket to the linen underneath and reduces the risk of skin softening and inadvertent cooling due to heat loss from evaporation.

Common Problems• There is no suitable and accurate filtration system
• The blowing unit may raise contaminants in a sterile operating room environment
• - Forced air may push antibiotic-resistant or other microbes deeper into joint tissues and lead to serious infection.
Manufacturers• 3M™ Bair Hugger™
• IOB Medical
• Cocoon
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