Properties | Details |
SFDA Classification | Class i * *FDA Classification |
Purpose of Use | Spectrophotometry is a medical device used to analyze each substance that absorbs or transmits a beam of light within the sample over a specific wavelength range. |
Work Location & End-User | Place of work: Laboratory department End-User: Clinical Laboratory Specialist |
Parts & Accessories | • Light (LED) • light source • lens • sample cuvette Aperture (to select a specific wavelength packet) • concave mirror • Published • Image Collection Detector |
Operation | The spectrophotometer has a place for the sample and is located between the spectrometer and the photometer so that the photometer can detect the amount of light that comes from the spectrometer and then pass through the sample, and finally, the photometer sends the voltage signal to the display and this voltage signal changes as the absorbed light changes from the detector |
Common Problems | • Unable to achieve zero absorption or 100% transmittance when titrated • Unable to achieve the reading when measuring the sample • Unable to add additional points to the spectral point analysis table • Unable to save results to the USB memory stick • Failed to start calibration |
Manufacturers | • Jenway • AMETEK • ThermoFisher scientific |
Sources | • US Food and Drug Administration • Chemistry libertexts • Jenway • Byjus • Jenway • Direct industry |