Properties | Details |
SFDA Classification | Class IIb |
Purpose of Use | The anesthesia device aims to enter the patient in a state of unconsciousness in order to avoid feeling pain and muscles relaxed during the surgery or medical procedure. This is done by mixing the correct amounts of gases and narcotic drugs for the patient to inhale Types: • General anesthesia: unconscious and has no awareness or sensations • Local anesthesia: An area of the body is numbed to prevent the patient from feeling pain. Local anesthetic is the term used for medicines such as lidocaine that are injected through a needle or applied as a cream to numb a small area. • Anesthesia, also known as "controlled anesthesia care." Medications are given, usually through a vein, to make the patient sleepy and relax. |
Work Location & End-User | Work place: operating room, MRI room, dental clinic End User: Anesthesiologist and Medical Staff |
Parts & Accessories | Main parts: • Gas inlet • Gas mixer • Vaporizers • Anesthetic agent • Ventilator • Monitor the respiratory system. |
Operation | Medical air, oxygen (O2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are supplied from wall outlets or cylinders. The pressures are reduced by pressure regulators and then pass through an oxygen gas failure alarm. The gas flow is controlled by flowmeters. The gas is mixed and passed over a vaporizer containing the anesthetic agent. The anti-hypoxic device ensures that the flowmeters deliver at least 25% of the oxygen to the worker vaporizer. The gas then passes through the overpressure relief valve and back-flow valve, then to the common gas outlet (CGO), ready to be given to the patient. There is an emergency oxygen flush valve connected to give 100% oxygen if needed. The gas then enters the patient's circuit and ventilator. The expired gas can be stripped of the carbon dioxide in the soda lime filter and either recycled or removed from the chamber. |
Common Problems | • Battery issue • Gas leakage |
Manufacturers | • Dräger • Maquet • GE Healthcare |
Sources | • Saudi Food and Drug Authority Document • UCLA Health • Springer Handbook of Medical Technology • Flinders Biomedical Engineering Equipment Orientation |